Powerpc lis instruction
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The add instruction is preferred for addition because it sets few status bits. PowerPC Optional. Form. UISA. I. 0. 5 6. 29 30 31. 18. LI. Simplified Mnemonics for PowerPC 555 Assembly. Instruction. Description lis rA, value, Load immediate shifted left by 16 bits, None, rA ¬ (value << 16). An instruction set architecture (ISA) specifies the programmer- visible aspects of a processor, PowerPC is big-endian. • Summary: lbz lhz lha lwz.Instructions. Mnemonic, Purpose, Examples. li dest,const, Move the constant const into The effective (logical) address of the branch is either the sum of the LI field sign-extended to PowerPC user instruction set architecture. Address Instruction Operands 0: 38 60 00 07 li r3,7 4: 4e 80 00 20 blr. Like x86, PowerPC machine code consists of bytes, with addresses, that represent Description. The lwz and l instructions load a word in storage from a specified location in memory addressed by the effective address (EA) into the target
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